Just Venting

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Well, It's mothers day!! Happy day to all of you mom's out there. I already posted something about my mom, here.

My mom read it and was very touched by and apparently so was my friend, tara. She lived with us for a bit and my family was her family and still are in a way. She read my post and called my mom to tell her how important she is to her still. My mom called to tell me that today. I thought that was sweet.

Being a mom has got to be one of the hardest things i have ever done in my life. But at the same time it is definitely the most rewarding thing ever. Every time my son smiles or laughs it is the best feeling in the whole world. I can make myself smile while laying in bed just by thinking of his smile. or his laugh. or the little smirk he does where he looks at you with his peripheral vision. Every time I start to feel overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life, i just sit down at his level and forget all of it and just kiss my boy and have fun with him. tickling him, chasing him, watching blue's clues, singing, coloring. And after, i just remember that he is my motivation. My motivation for finishing school, for going to work, for everything i do. I love my boy and i love my son. All in all, i love being a mom. it is by far the best thing to ever happen to me.

Kristie :: 12:57 AM :: 1 comments

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