Just Venting

Thursday, August 09, 2007


How is it going? i am never here anymore, i know. I wonder who the few readers are who still stop by... It's funny, i have more time, technically, to write this, but it's during the day when my very active 3 year old is home. and he just doesnt understand when mommy says she cant play because she has to blog. Blog? what is that? does it involve trucks or dirt or dinosaurs? and since it doesnt involve any of those things nor will i let him type (i am still missing my "shift" key) he has no patience for me on the computer. and when a 3 year old loses his patience it is a very noisy ordeal. And now that my dad works from home and is always on the phone and his office is right off the kitchen, we cant be having that. so usually i dont even try.

Besides, i really dont have much to write about. just the same ole same ole. nothing very exciting. I am getting ready for school to start in 2 weeks, adjusting to my new work schedule and trying to figure out the meaning of life. not much really to say. Although, next week I am taking a mini-vacation to Tampa so I can see a concert so that should be fun. The 2 1/2 hour drive wont be, but everything else will be. i am looking forward to it. i find it amazing all the fees and crap ticketmaster tacks on to the price of a ticket tho. unreal. 2 $10 lawn tickets turned into a total of $45 with everything. ugh.

my son has begun to really sing along to his Laurie Berkner Band DVD (and CD) and it is so cute. I love it. He wont do it always if i am in the room with him, but as long as he doesnt think i am watching he will really get into it. If he sees me watching, he will tell me to go and sit down somewhere else or tell me to read or color or something so that i am otherwise occupied. it's adorable. of course its not adorable when he wont eat his lunch or be pleasant in anyway like he is today. argh. he has started doing this whiny-the-world-is-ending freak out thing and it is very much not cool.

well, i have to go pick up the dog from the groomers, we just shaved off all his courage. (the shorter his hair, the wimpier he is!)

Kristie :: 1:41 PM :: 1 comments

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